Candidates make impromptu stop at White Grill

Friday, November 2, 2012
U.S. Sen. Claire McCaskill made a brief stop in Nevada Thursday for a meal at the White Grill and joined Charlie Burton, Democratic candidate for the Missouiri 31st Senatorial District seat, for a photograph.

By Ralph Pokorny

Nevada Daily Mail

During a brief stop on the campaign trail Thursday afternoon at the White Grill, Sen. Claire McCaskill said the one thing she would like for voters to remember about her is, "I'm a moderate. I believe that to solve problems, you have to be ready to compromise and work across the aisle with the other party."

And she feels she has a strong record of doing that, saying that she worked with Republican Sen. Roy Blunt to put together the Farm Bill and to save rural post offices.

McCaskill said that she hopes the House will pass the Farm Bill when they come back after the Nov. 6 election.

She said the Farm Bill as passed by the Senate contains disaster relief for farmers affected by this year's drought.

"There are families all over southwest Missouri that are having to thin their herds or buy hay," she said.

"A major part of our economy is in limbo," she said.

She said that Todd Akin, her Republican opponent for the Senate, has never voted for a farm bill and "has no record of working with the other party. He's kind of extreme," she said.

"Being in the middle is the right fit for Missouri," McCaskill said.

McCaskill made an early campaign stop at the White Grill in July; and she and her staff had lunch while at the restaurant. This time, she joked, staffers threatened to leave the campaign if they didn't get to stop at the White Grill on the way from a Joplin event to another event in Kansas City.

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