Council considers taxi coupon rate increase

Tuesday, November 20, 2012

Nevada Daily Mail

The Nevada City Council will consider the first reading of an ordinance that would the purchase price of taxi coupons by 50 cents to make up for some of the loss of state and federal funds, during a regular meeting at 7 o'clock tonight, in Council Chambers, inside the Public Safety Building, 120 S. Ash. The proposal calls for coupons for the elderly and disabled to increase from $3 to $3.50, and the coupons for the general public will go from $4 to $4.50.

The council also will conduct the first reading of an ordinance releasing the NID assessment against lot 1, block 7, of the Barton Meadow Addition.

Other items on the agenda include a discussion about the new public safety building, the second reading of an ordinance approving an application for federal financial assistance for the city's taxi coupon program for 2013 and the final reading of an ordinance to refund the city's 2012 certificates of participation and to re-issue new certificates of participation to cover the possible need to include a dispatch center in the public safety building.

The council also will hear the Nevada Regional Medical Center annual report.

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