Good news for Avery; Her leukemia is in remission, but funds are still needed for medical expenses

The best news to come from the Nov. 17 fundraising event for Avery Morris was that her leukemia is currently in remission.
However, she is still undergoing another 56 weeks of a different type of treatment, said Lindsay Jackson, who helped promote the event.
"Avery was able to attend," Jackson said.

"That was another happy thing," she said.
"We would like to thank the entire community for their continued prayers and support for our daughter, Avery. We are truly blessed to live in a town where our neighbors and co-workers are our extended family.
"Dusty and I are extremely appreciative of everyone who orchestrated, donated, worked, and/or attended the chili dinner and bingo benefit for Avery last Saturday night, as well as those individuals who couldn't be there, but were thinking of us. Thank you for the outpouring of generosity. There are certainly angels among us here in Nevada, Mo.," Erin Morris said in a written statement.
Erin is a fifth-grade teacher at Nevada Middle School and Dusty works for American Standard.
Doug and Judy Campbell are Avery's maternal grandparents and John Morris is her paternal grandfather
"The Neptunes did an awesome job on the dinner along with the YMCA, who sponsored the family bingo night, silent auction, raffle and provided the facility. We had seating for 150 plus the bleachers, and they were all full," Jackson said.
"Plus, all the bingo cards were sold out," she said.
"It was very successful," Miles Miller, of the Nevada Neptunes, said, adding that he estimated there were 400-500 people in attendance.
"We served 25 gallons of chili," he said.
Miller said that although Avery's in remission, that does not diminish the family's need for the money raised.
"With the trips to Children's Mercy and the insurance deductibles, it will still take every penny," Miller said.
"I had some people who couldn't go Saturday bring a donation to my office," he said.
He said that there are still T-shirts available and support bracelets are available at the YMCA and most schools.