Carrying on the tradition
Saturday, November 24, 2012

Doris Whalen, Ladies Auxiliary president, puts some turkey and ham on a tray that Natalie Hernandez is getting ready to deliver to a housebound Nevada area resident, Thursday.
The Nevada American Legion Leon Ogier Post No. 2, has been holding a Thanksgiving dinner for 96 years and this year was no exception, despite the death of the post commander on Veterans Day and the man who was expected to cook the Thanksgiving dinner having a stroke.
Whalen said the ladies auxilary held an emergency meeting and decided to go ahead with the meal. They purchased five turkey's and two hams as well the other needed ingredients for a traditional Thanksgiving dinner, including green beans, mashed potatoes, gravy, dressing, rolls and pumpkin pie. One of the auxiliary members peeled 65 pounds of potatoes for the meal and they arrived at the Legion hall at 7 a.m. Thanksgiving day to cook the meal, which they started serving around 11:30 and delivering meals to shut-ins.(Ralph Pokorny/Herald-Tribune)