Tiger Pit competes in Johnson County Kids Classic

Monday, December 31, 2012
OLATHE, Kan. -- Nevada's youth wrestlers were back in action this past Saturday at the Johnson County Kids Classic. The Classic, held at Olathe East High School, is one of the largest and toughest tournaments the club will see. More than 900 wrestlers from 62 clubs were at the tournament. The Tiger Pit was well-represented by 10 wrestlers: Jacob Johnson, 14; Cameron Diaz, 14; Rylan Cartwright, 12; Brock Marquardt, 11; Brock Morrison, 9; Nathan Johnson, 9; Logan Marquardt, 9; Gage Boyd, 9: Gage Miller, 8; and Gannon Marquardt, 6. The club will be back in action again next Sunday, wrestling in a tournament at Butler, Mo.

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