Letter to the Editor

The Christmas light display was wonderful

Thursday, January 10, 2013

Dear Editor

The protests of my children as we put up our Christmas decorations reminded me of how much I needed to write this thank you letter. If they had their way, we would keep the decorations up all year. As the next Christmas season rolled around, I am sure it would lack some luster in our home, as they would be used to seeing it every day for a whole year. What they would not tire of for a whole year is the beautiful light display by the Timbrook family. This past holiday season, we spent more nights than I have fingers and toes camped out in their cul-de-sac. Each trip brought the same admiration, the same smiles, the same, "Oh, cool!" from the back seats. So, to the Timbrook family, THANK YOU! We cannot imagine the time dedicated to set up and take down your display, the creativity, and let's not forget, the money it takes to put on a display like you do. What a treat you provided Nevada! We can't wait until next year!


The Braden family