Nevada school board names new performing arts center

The Nevada R-5 Board of Education voted unanimously to name the new performing arts center at the high school the Ella Maxwell Center for the Performing Arts, after a benefactor of the district. In 2003 the R-5 district was the recipient of $730,000 from her estate.
A four member committee, chaired by board member Joy Hawks was tasked with suggesting two names to the board, which was to make the final choice.
Hawks told the board that after the committee became aware of Maxwell's gift, naming the new facility after Maxwell were their top two choices.
Hawks said that they also considered two additional names long connected with Nevada High School performing arts, Bernice Ball, and Jim and Mary Alice Shannon.
At that time the board earmarked the money for a special project in the area of the arts. With the accumulated interest today that fund has grown to about $870,000, which is included in the money for the construction of the performing arts center.
The board also voted unanimously to approve spending up to $30,000 to have C&C Group, which had the low bid of $28,575, replace the fire alarm system at Benton Elementary School.
It also voted 7-0 to approve amending the budget to account for the $30,000 to replace the Benton Elementary School fire alarm.
In other business the board voted 7-0 during an executive session to approve Nevada High School principal Debra Workman's retirement. The board also approved the retirements of Sue Ann Heumader, middle school speech and Cathy Ketterman, high school math.
They also approved Alana Martin for high school assistant speech and debate; Diann Marti as director of curriculum, instruction and professional development and Julie Kibble as Truman principal.