Nevada wastewater facilities earns state award

Saturday, April 6, 2013
Shawn Mittendorf, right, local manager for Alliance Water Resources, congratulates Mark Mendenhall, Nevada's wastewater treatment plant supervisor, on Alliance receiving the 2012 Facility of the Year award in the large facility category from the Missouri Water Environment Association.

The Nevada Municipal Wastewater Facility and Alliance Water Resources received the 2012 Facility of the Year Award from the Missouri Water Environment Association at its recent annual meeting.

This award is given in recognition of outstanding plant performance and quality of effluent discharged. Nevada received the award in large facility operations category, which also includes the cities of Springfield, St. Louis and Kansas City.

The facility has been managed by operations and maintenance company Alliance Water Resources since 2011.

"This is a significant achievement for the city of Nevada," said Alliance's President Dale Wagner. "The credit for earning this award can be directly attributed to the hard work and dedication of our employees who take seriously their responsibilities to the communities we serve.

I have to thank them for helping Alliance once again exceed expectations and show how we earn the trust of our clients like the city of Nevada."

The Missouri Water Environment Association is an organization of approximately 8,900 members dedicated to the advancement of practical knowledge in the technology, design, construction, operation and management of water quality control systems and facilities.

Headquartered in Columbia, Alliance Water Resources is a leading provider of professional operations, maintenance, and management services for community water and wastewater systems in Missouri, Iowa and Tennessee.

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