The second week of Music on the Square featured The Shane Moses Band, left, David Byerly, Adam Hall on drums and Jeremy Wilts playing to a crowd of about 50 people and emceed by Nevada Daily Mail publisher Floye Jernigan. The Shane Moses Band is from Southeast Kansas-Southwest Missouri. The band is influenced by rock muscians like Van Halen, Nirvana, Led Zeppelin, Deep Purple, Waylon Jennings, Joy Division and Foo Fighters. From each song to the next they offer something a bit different, and they didn't mean for it to happen that way, but that's just they wrote and icked the songs that they plan. Sent here to keep you rocking. The night of music is sponsored by Great Southern Bank. Next Thursday Matthew Harper will perform and Sonia Albright will be the guest master of ceremonies. Ralph Pokorny/Daily Mail.
Four-year-old Sophia Stewart keeps time to the music on her mother, Beth's hands,during Thursday's Music on the Square. Ralph Pokorny/Daily Mail.