Pike named 'freshman of year for veterans issues'

Tuesday, May 21, 2013
Rep. Tim Jones, speaker of the Missouri House of Representatives, left, presents Rep. Randy Pike, R-126th district, with a certificate naming him Freshman Legislator of the Year for Veteran's Issues. Submitted photo

JEFFERSON CITY -- To honor and recognize the efforts of Rep. Randy Pike, R-126th district, for his work this year on Veterans, Rep. Tim Jones, speaker of the Missouri House of Representatives, awarded him the Freshman Legislator of the Year Award for Veterans' Issues.

"I firmly believe actions speak louder than words and as an elected official, those actions are crucial to the well-being of our constituents," Jones said in a news release announcing the award. "I commend Rep. Pike on his actions regarding veterans' issues showing firsthand that their actions demonstrate leadership for the people of his district."

Through his role as a member of the House Committee on Veterans, Pike helped promote legislation that would improve veterans' issues for the state of Missouri.

"I believe we accomplished a lot this year, both in the committee and in the House of Representatives," Pike said. "I look forward to next year's legislative session in January 2014."

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