Birthright wants young women to know help available for unplanned pregnancy

Nevada Birthright's new office opened May 6 at 231 N. Cedar St. It's still a quiet corner office staffed by two caring volunteers, who expect to get busier over time.
"We are an emergency pregnancy service that helps young women who find themselves with an unplanned or unwanted pregnancy. We offer free pregnancy tests if needed," said Rachel Middendorf, Nevada Birthright director.
"It'll be a gradual process as girls find out about us," Middendorf said.
"We know they're out there," she added. "We just want them to know they can come here," she said.
She said she does not expect Birthright to just help teenagers. One never knows who will walk in that door. If it is needed, staff can help young women find food and a place to stay
"We can guide them through the process," Middendorf said.
The main goal of Birthright is to show young women they have more options than abortion by making parenting and adoption look attractive to them. "
We offer them friendship so they are not going through this alone," she said. "We would never endorse abortion."
Middendorf said Birthright staff provides what she calls "friendship counseling."
"I don't want girls to think they will get a sermon, because they won't," she said. "We try not to be judgmental."
"We see girls everywhere having to deal with a very small child or a pregnancy. Our biggest service is to help women get that needed support, even after the birth. We will help after the baby is born, even a year down the road," Middendorf said. "People have been very accepting. I haven't heard anything negative."
Birthright is run by a local board, with Colleen Haberkorn serving as president, Ruth Ann Painter as vice president and Kim Deweese as secretary/treasurer. Krista Hope, Barbara Long, Mark Mitchell are board members.
Jana Foley is assistant director.
The office is open Monday and Friday from 2 to 5 p.m., Wednesday, 2 to 7 p.m. and Saturday morning from 9 to 12.
Birthright can be reached during those hours at 417-448-1771 and has a 24-hour hotline to the National Birthright Center at 1-800-550-4900.
"They will make an appointment for us and call us if it is an emergency," Middendorf said.