Schell City moves on water project

Saturday, July 6, 2013
Mayor Tom Haddix, far left, talks to Schell City Board of Aldermen Wednesday. From left, Alderman Quentin Goodman, Alderman James Conwell, street superintendent Jim Goodman and Alderman Ken McCoy listen.

Schell City will install a water pressure reducer in the park as part of the city-wide water improvement project as approved by the board of aldermen Wednesday.

Last month, the board approved several ordinances financing the connection to Consolidated Public Water Supply District No. 1 of Vernon County.

Aldermen also decided on Wednesday to pay for root removal around meters on a case by case basis as city residents install water pressure reducers.

"Isn't that the maintenance for the city?" Clerk Sharon Sanderson asked the board before asking about one resident's tree problem.

"She's on a limited income. If she had it, she'd do it," Alderman Ken McCoy said, and the board approved to pay for root removal in that instance.

Sanderson informed the board an old store building will revert back to city property in August. The board discussed the possibility of tearing it down and decided to further discuss options at the next meeting.

Aldermen also discussed what to do with the city's old water tower.

Sanderson will meet with DNR and bring up the possibility of scrapping it.

In other business, the board approved:

* Grading roads.

* Paying 10 percent of the water project's cost before the project is completed.

* Paying bills.

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