Nevada council approves contract for new clubhouse

Wednesday, July 24, 2013

Nevada Daily Mail

The Nevada City Council voted 4-1 Tuesday night to approve a contract with Paul Miller Construction of El Dorado Springs for $373,633 to build a new clubhouse at the Frank E. Peters Municipal Golf Course.

Council member Jayne Novak, who cast the sole dissenting vote, told the council before they voted that she "felt we're spending too much money on the clubhouse when the course needs attention."

Council members Brian Leonard, Blake Hertzberg, Lance Christie and Mayor Seth Barrett voted yes.

As an example of needed repairs on the course, Novak reminded other council members the irrigation pump for the greens and fairway had recently quit working, threatening the grass.

"Without irrigation we can't have a golf course," she said.

Council member Brian Leonard said it would cost about $500,000 to replace the entire irrigation system. The front nine holes dates to when the course was first established and the back nine to when that was added.

Novak said she was sure the new clubhouse will be fabulous, but "the clubhouse won't keep the course open."

She said $250,000 could rebuild the irrigation on the front nine and an adequate clubhouse could be built for the other $250,000.

In other business, the council:

* Voted unanimously to accept the low bid of $4,575 from Palmerton & Parrish Inc., for geotechnical testing for the new public safety building.

* Unanimously passed on first reading a special ordinance approving vacating the alley running north and south that is located between Central Avenue and Vernon Street and Commercial and Colorado streets as requested by the property owners because the alley is overgrown with grass and trees and unusable.

* Unanimously passed on first reading a special ordinance approving a contract with the Nevada Housing Authority for additional police service. The Housing Authority will reimburse the city for the officer's salary on a monthly basis not to exceed $25,000 for the period of July 2013 through June 2014.

* Unanimously passed on first reading a special ordinance approving a contract with former Nevada treasurer Mike Wade to provide training and consultation for the new city treasurer at the rate of $31 per hour of training for approximately 40 hours per month for one year.

* Unanimously adopted Resolution No. 1376 authorizing the city manager to file an application for a loan or grant to secure funding from the Missouri Department of Natural Resources state revolving loan fund to replace the city's north and south interceptor sewer lines.

This is a part of the project to reduce the amount of rainwater that infiltrates the city's sewer system and can overload the sewerage treatment plant.

* Unanimously adopted Resolution No. 1377 to approve the annual liquor license for Capri Bowl Family Fun Center to sell beer more than 3.2 percent alcohol by weight and wines containing not more than 14 percent alcohol by weight by the drink. The license period runs from Aug. 1, 2013, to July 31, 2014.

* Unanimously passed on second reading a special ordinance approving a contract with Allgeier Martin & Associates, Joplin, for engineering services for the construction of a sidewalk from the Nevada High School on Ashland Street, north along Spring Street to Garfield.

The cost of the work is not to exceed $39,321.11.

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