Sheldon plans move forward
Community members of Sheldon will have the chance Aug. 21 to meet architecture students from Drury University in Springfield and share ideas for the town"s vision plan.
The meeting time and place will be decided later.
"We want to be able to give them lots of ideas and tell them what needs to be done," said Robert Moran, a member of the Sheldon Community Betterment Committee, during the committee's meeting Monday.
Moran also informed those attending the meeting repairs to the bandstand will wait until next year.
"The (Sheldon) Board of Aldermen determined the time was too short and human power was not available to tear down and rebuild the bandstand before the picnic," Moran said.
After reminding the committee of long-term plans involving youth, beautification, communication and the park, Moran then detailed the short-term plans discussed at the committee's June meeting.
Work on displays showing the history of Sheldon, as well as the future of the park, is proceeding. Also, flowers provided by Sutherlands will be planted in the park and down Main Street.
"It's going to take a little nursing back to health on some of these plants," Moran said, mentioning that free mulch is available along Highway B.
A one-day clean up will be on Aug. 10 as proposed by the committee. The committee decided to name its Facebook page Sheldon Mo. Community Betterment Group. The ideas for a newsletter and banners have been dropped.
Since the board of aldermen approved putting a bench in front of the library, Moran asked committee members if they were comfortable with him asking the city to provide money to buy six benches for no more than $100 each.
The committee approved his suggestion.
Aldermen also have approved providing flower planters down Main Street, Moran said.
"If all else fails," Marlene Moran added, "I have some old plastic planters, and I will fill them with flowers and adhere them to the street with construction adhesive before the picnic. There will be planters on Main Street."
The Old Settler's Picnic will be Aug. 15 through 17.
The next Community Betterment meeting will be 7 p.m. Aug. 26 at the Sheldon Baptist Church.