Purchase of jetter truck before council

Saturday, August 17, 2013

The Nevada City Council will be considering a bid for a new jetter truck to clean the city's sewers and then holding the first reading of an ordinance authorizing a lease-purchase agreement for a jetter truck with U.S. Bancorp Equipment Finance during its meeting Monday night at 7 in the council chambers in the Public Safety Building, 120 S. Ash St.

The council will also be holding the first reading of an agreement to have Vernon County do the billings and collections for Nevada's 2013 tax year and an amendment to the city's current agreement with Allgeier, Martin & Associates of Joplin.

The first reading of a general ordinance amending section 20-23 of the city code will also be under consideration.

Other items on the agenda include the second readings of ordinances to: set the city's property tax rates for 2013; contract with the county assessor for real and personal property assessment in Nevada and release the NID assessment on property owned by Jesus and Lorena Ornelas.

The council will also be holding the final reading of ordinances to: approve an engagement letter with Cunningham, Vogt & Rost P.C., Legal Counselors to Local Government; approve amending Chapter 5, Article ll Dogs, of the city code and approve the transfer of property at 702 N. Clay St. to the Nevada R-5 School District.

Other items on the agenda include the appointment of: Jeff Post to a third term on the parks and recreation board; Annie Daugherty to a first term on the public library board and Gerald McBeth as alternate public hearing officer.

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