Seats still open for second CERT class

Thursday, August 29, 2013

By Rusty Murry

Nevada Daily Mail

There are still plenty of open seats for the upcoming Community Emergency Response Team course set to begin at 6 p.m. on Sept. 5, according to Vernon County Ambulance District instructor Mike Hueston. Hueston said he sent out more than 30 letters to people who had signed up for the course during Bushwhacker Days, but fewer than 10 have responded to his letters or phone calls.

Hueston said he hopes more will respond by the time the course begins, because it's not really cost effective to teach fewer than 10 students at a time. In fact, VCAD Director James McKenzie has set the minimum number of students for a class at 10 participants. At this point about a half dozen people have signed up. Scott Dobbs said he is "looking forward to taking the class," and learning how to take care of himself in a disaster. Dobbs said he also wants to learn to help others in the community.

The upcoming class will be the second team trained to prepare for, react to and aid the community during a disaster. Students will cover a lot of material and, according to Hueston, become a vital link in the local disaster response chain. Linda Stone of rural Milo thinks "it's a great deal" and what she will learn will be important in her rural area. "People should know how to do those things," she said, and she wants to be able to help others too.

CERT was established in California to help fire departments, emergency medical personnel and law enforcement agencies as an organized system for the best use of time and resources in a time of need.

The first Vernon County CERT class had 12 graduates, some of whom represented their class by handing out brochures and answering questions for curious community members during Bushwhacker Days. According to Hueston, more than 30 people signed up to learn more about the program, so he has been a little disappointed by the lack of interest for the next class. The team also gathered during Wilbur's Fireworks show to hand out Frisbees, sell glow sticks and answer questions about CERT.

As CERT members, students will learn how to take care of themselves and their family during a disaster. They will also receive training in many areas including light search and rescue, CPR and first aid, suppression of small fires and the CERT command and operational system, as well as the incident command system for emergencies that occur on multiple levels and require a much larger response.

Hands-on training in the form of a drill helps students by allowing them to put what they have learned to use. This class covers a lot of information in a short time, but anyone can participate. Continued training for all members is available but not mandatory. The class is free and open to anyone; all course materials will be supplied, and books can be purchased from VCAD or borrowed.

Hueston would like to thank everyone for their interest in becoming CERT members, and hopes the class can be filled by the time it's set to begin. For more information, Hueston may be contacted on his cell phone at 620-224-7034, or email at The Vernon County Ambulance District may be reached at 417-667-5079.

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