Checking for drugs

Friday, August 30, 2013
Bates County Sheriff's Office K-9 handler, Sgt. Justin Shaffer, and his dog Max search a suspicious package for illegal drugs during a search conducted at the Con-Way Freight terminal at 17318 South K Highway in Nevada on Wednesday afternoon. The dog was called in by the Vernon County Sherrif's Office after Con-Way manager Dan Merry called about the package. Merry said he was "following protocol" because of the "odd" nature of the load. According to Merry, a man described as acting suspicious and using a Kansas driver's license brought the freight to the terminal in a vehicle bearing Alabama tags. The individual paid $795 cash to ship the packages he valued at $700, according to the manifest. The dog's search didn't turn up anything and a cursory examination showed the packages to contain antique radios as stated on the manifest. Photo by Rusty Murry/Daily Mail.

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