Bronaugh students learn about nutrition -- hands-on

Thursday, September 19, 2013
Bronaugh students learn about healthy food and exercise during the MU Extension's interactive Food Power Adventure on Tuesday. Photo by Gloria Tucker/Daily Mail.

Nevada Daily Mail

Bronaugh kindergarten through fifth grade students learned about nutrition, exercise and the body in the University of Missouri Extension's traveling Food Power Adventure exhibit Tuesday.

"It's a really good way to reinforce good health," Paula Gray of MU Extension said.

Bronaugh FCCLA members teach students about healthy food and exercise and the body during the MU Extension's interactive Food Power Adventure on Tuesday. Photo by Gloria Tucker/Daily Mail.

Food Power Adventure exhibits teach more than 50,000 elementary students each school year throughout Missouri.

Bronaugh students learned how pizza comes from a farm, how to inspect food labels, how much milk to drink, and what germs look like under black light. Stepping through a mouth with giant teeth seats into a tent, the students began learning about digestion and then passed through a maze decorated to resemble the intestines. The students finished the exhibit with exercise activities while learning about muscles and bones.

Bronaugh FCCLA members ran the teaching stations and packed up the exhibit afterward.

Gray said the exhibit is available to any school and will visit the Nevada community center in January. "The fee is $100, and scholarships are available," she said.

Call 660-890-0860 for more information.

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