Adam Dean, Renee' Highley and Bruce Rogers display three new shotguns that will be given away as a door prize or won in a drawing during the third annual Outdoors Youth Event held in Marmaduke Park on Saturday, Sept. 28. Registration for the event will begin at 9 a.m. and activities like shooting clay pigeons, black powder shooting, deer stand safety, BB gun instruction, archery, trapping, turkey and duck calling demonstrations and contests and demonstrations will fill the day for youths 6-17 years-old. Drawings will be held for a lot of prizes and there will be one rifle, two youth bows and guided spring turkey hunts given away duriing the day. The event is free and open to the public. All participating boys and girls will receive a complimentary membership to the National Wild Turkey Federation and Ducks Unlimited and lunch will be provided before the fun wraps up about 4 p.m. Photo by Rusty Murry/Daily Mail.