She-Brews her dream a cup and a roll at a time

Thursday, September 26, 2013
Jennifer Davidson in the window of her drive-through coffee and roll shop -- She-Brews at 1231 East Austin in Nevada.Submitted photo.

Special to the Daily Mail

Jennifer Davidson of rural Walker is a Licensed Practical Nurse, but she was ready for a change in her lifestyle. She prayed about it and because she loves to bake, she settled on a drive-through coffee and roll shop in Nevada at 1231 East Austin. She still maintains her home-based cake and cupcake making business.

"We needed another good coffee shop in Nevada and it has been fantastic. I have had such support from my family. My daughter helps me on Saturday, my sister-in-law helps, and my dad comes every day. The help my husband has given is phenomenal. He has been great."

Jennifer's specialty is coffees and delights. She has signature lattes -- Nevada Tiger, Sugar & Spice, Everything Nice, and Rocky Road along with freshly brewed coffee. She also has 100 percent fruit smoothies. "None of that junk in them -- all fresh fruit." She makes strawberry, fourberry, and Pineapple Paradise.

She-Brews is open Monday through Saturday from 5:30 a.m. to 1 p.m. All prices include tax so you know the immediate cost.

Along with basic home-made cinnamon rolls every day, she sometimes makes blueberry pound and apple roll cake, and serves biscuits and gravy.

"It's been unreal. I never know what to expect. All my cinnamon rolls were gone by 6 a.m. this morning. I may have to have preorders for large bunches. We'll see how it plays out, but I love it. Combining my love of baking and seeing people is a dream come true.

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