Annual United Way drive starts

Thursday, September 26, 2013

Nevada Daily Mail

United Way of Vernon County got its annual fundraising drive underway with the traditional kickoff breakfast, Wednesday morning at the senior center.

United Way Drive Co-Chairman Adam Dean began the event by reminding everyone that "money raised here, stays here. This makes a direct impact on our neighbors," said Dean. "What we do affects Vernon County."

United Way President Betsy Curtis told those in attendance this year's goal was $112,000, very doable, she said. She noted this was also last year's goal and said that United Way attained that fundraising level.

The upcoming Oktoberfest and Chili Cookoff Saturday Oct. 12 from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. is a major event for United Way.

Already two teams have signed up but more are needed. Those interested can call the United Way office at 667-5563.

In addition to chili, the day will have a band, a pet parade, farm equipment, and games.

"It's a family-oriented day of fun but it's also an awareness event," Dean said.

Each of the United Way member agencies will have a booth and will provide information on their services.

"This day is all about getting the information out."

Following Dean's presentation, recipient agencies were on hand to give a brief overview of what they do.

Community Outreach's main focus is providing food but can also help those needing emergency help with rent and utilities on a limited basis.

Birthright, after a hiatus, has started back up and has served 30 clients since the end of May dealing with unplanned pregnancies. Counseling, maternity and baby needs are offered.

Ozarks Trail Council Boy Scouts of America and Girl Scouts of the Missouri Heartland provide programs for youth.

The Vernon County Child Advocacy Council's goal is to educate and prevent child abuse and neglect, with parent education classes. The Council also sponsors a community fun night.

The Children's Center works for child advocacy with members of law enforcement and the courts in abuse cases.

Special Olympics Missouri, SW Area, offers a physical outlet and a way to participate in competition as an individual and as a team for those with special needs.

The Vernon County Senior Center helps those over the age of 60 with everything from food to transportation to in-home services.

On My Own helps youth and adults with disabilities to reach their goals.

Children's Mercy Hospital provides health and well-being services to children regardless of the ability to pay.

The Neighbors Center offers daytime adult day care for ages 18 and over, providing temporary relief for the caregiver of those who are homebound, elderly or disabled.

University of Missouri Extension of Vernon County provides cooperative extension work such as 4-H, in agriculture and home economics.

The Council on Families in Crisis, Moss House, provides shelter for sexual and domestic violence victims.

The Vernon County Ministerial Alliance Emergency Relief Fund helps transients with financial aid.

Nevada Youth Recreational Baseball has some 200 youth each year competing in its program, learning discipline and teamwork.

American Red Cross/Southern Missouri Region Nevada office helps those who have been the victims of natural disasters and fires as well as supporting local firefighters.

Vernon County Adult Recovery Court provides an alternative to prison, with a goal "of giving the graduates their life back."

Vernon County People for Pets takes in unwanted animals and works to find them homes.

Curtis closed the meeting by reminding everyone that United Way offers a speakers' bureau for businesses and organizations wishing to learn more about United Way and member agencies' programs.

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