Easy rider on the stationary bike
Hi neighbors. It is beautiful weather outdoors -- in case all of you folks are like me and are stuck five days a week indoors at a desk. I love the misty, almost foggy mornings where the grass is as wet as if it had rained.
When I first moved back to Missouri from dry weather Kansas I was amazed at the dew and mist covered mornings in the fall. We were fortunate enough to have wooded and open farmland to wander on and I would spend hours just walking through the woods and meadows enjoying the climate.
I have always loved to walk in such weather. However, my usual walk now is only as far as the car and then drive to work. Shame on me! What is more important than getting up a little earlier and enjoying this beautiful weather?
Exercise for exercise sake alone is wasted time in my opinion. There has to be some enjoyment of the moment beyond "feeling that muscle burn" we are told we should enjoy.
My daughter got me a stationary exercise bike and I enjoy watching television while I pedal. However, that means I'm one of those on the inside looking out. I suppose the least I could do is open a window.
Although walking in town isn't as enthralling as walking in the woods, I would like to walk outside on nice days. It seems the nicest days though I spend at work -- inside a building.
So I pedal my bike all around the world from the safety and privacy of my front room.
One night this week I flew with the condors to South America and road my bike up the Andes. I've pedaled out west with the cowboys, up to Alaska sharing the road with truckers and across Egypt (drank lots of water on that trip.)
Next week I think I will go to New York, or maybe London, and ride around there. Maybe I'll use the Google Street View program and drive around places I've actually been -- like Wichita.
Who knows, I might pedal underwater along the Florida coast. Or travel around on Mars during a science special documentary!
No matter the weather, I pedal on -- never too cold, never too hot and completely free of snow, sleet, lightening or hail. I miss the woods. But then I don't miss the ticks, the mosquitoes, the snakes and the gnats.
I miss the opportunity to watch minnows in a shallow stream. But I have my fish on my computer. Named John, Paul, George, Ringo and Pete; they are always there.
Getting out into the park at least is an alternative. Nice safe walking paths so there is little fear of turning my ankle. Lots of lights so I don't wander off into the lake, and easy access makes the city parks the next best thing to being out in the woods.
Still, I like my bike -- the stationary one that is.
Exercise is good, lots to see while exercising is even better. If you can't get outside much, buy some good travel videos and pedal your own bike, or walk on your treadmill, anywhere you want to explore.
Until the next time friends, try to get out into this glorious weather for a while each day; even if it is only from the door to the car. Walk slowly and enjoy the day!