Nevada residents injured in accident

Thursday, October 31, 2013

Two Nevada residents were injured during a Tuesday evening accident that happened around 6:50 p.m. about two miles west of Nevada on U.S. 54 Highway.

According to Missouri State Highway Patrol Cpl. Jim Wilde, David L. Martin, 51, of Nevada, received serious injuries, and a passenger in his vehicle, Jennifer A. Prine Smith, 37, of Nevada, received minor injuries when the eastbound 2004 Chevrolet Silverado truck driven by Martin struck an eastbound 1996 International rollback wrecker from the rear.

The driver of the wrecker, Richard Smith, 35 of Nevada, was uninjured during the wreck. Martin was transported by ambulance to the Freeman West Hospital in Joplin and Smith sought her own transportation from the scene and medical treatment.

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