Monthly chamber luncheon held Friday

Tuesday, November 12, 2013

Nevada Daily Mail

This time around the Nevada/Vernon County Chamber of Commerce held its monthly luncheon at the country club Friday with the lunch provided by the country club, and the guest speaker Nevada Daily Mail's publisher Floyd Jernigan.

Aimee Meyer presided over the meeting in the absence chamber of commerce president Dr. Ron Schowengerdt and chamber of commerce executive director Jennifer Eaton presented opening remarks.

After the Pledge of Allegiance and Invocation" the meeting went into full swing with attendees introducing some of their new employees who were present as guests. Astra Ferris, Barton County Chamber director, Dr. Parungao and his wife Cathy, NRMC surgeon, Cindy Stephens, Community Bank Lender -- Arvest.

Missouri State Senator Ed Emery gave an update on the state government and talked briefly about the Affordable Care Act that is beginning to go into effect. He said that he would try to answer any questions anyone had about the new health care law, but the state will not have much control over the issue.

Jernigan, talked about what is new at the Daily Mail touching on new staff, new equipment, and how to submit news about your clubs, civic groups, church, school, etc. He also discussed the new Nevada the Magazine, and touched on the expansion of distribution for the magazine, and celebrated the growth in subscriptions to both the Nevada Daily Mail and the magazine.

James McKenzie, Vernon County Ambulance District director updated attendees on details of the Toy Drive. "The Haunted House raised $5,000 this year, $7,000 is still needed to be able to reach the 500 children," he said. McKenzie said that bins will be out in the community where residents can donate toys for the drive.

Jennifer Eaton announced that the chamber of commerce is sponsoring a Coat Drive this year "We are collecting new and gently worn coats from 9 a.m. - 4 p.m. Monday through Friday at the chamber office" The coats will be accepted until Dec. 18.

Upcoming events mentioned included:

Friday, Nov. 22 -- 4th Friday Coffee at the Nevada Habilitation Center, 8-9 a.m. and they will have copies of the State Hospital History Book.

Saturday, Dec. 7 -- Miss Merry Christmas Pageant, 10 a.m. and Christmas parade at 5:30 p.m.

* Friday, Dec. 13 -- Chamber Luncheon at the Bowman Building. 12--1 p.m.

* In closing remarks it was announced that Missouri Gov. Jay Nixon will be in Nevada today to recognize Vernon County's effort in the Governor's 100 Missouri Miles Challenge. Healthy Nevada is hosting a hike at Walton Park, 404 W. Atlantic. The challenge begins at 3:15 p.m., and the governor will lead the participants on a one-mile hike around the park. The full story on Nixon's visit was published in the Saturday edition of the Daily Mail.

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