Sheldon board divided over Sheriff contract

Saturday, December 14, 2013

Nevada Daily Mail

Sheldon's six-month contract with the Vernon County Sheriff department for extra patrol and coverage ended last month.

"We've seen both sides of this," Mayor Jerod Lamb told the Sheldon Board of Aldermen at its meeting Thursday.

Residents, both for and against the contract, have made their opinions known to the aldermen over the past six months.

"While I fully support what the sheriff has done in this county and I think he's doing an excellent job," alderman Robert Moran said, "I don't see the tangible benefits of the money we spent, so I move we formally terminate the agreement."

Moran's motion died for lack of a second.

"One of the main reasons people are paying taxes is for police protection," alderman Cheryl Bogart said.

Bogart made a motion to continue the contract for an additional six months. The motion passed 3-1, with Moran against.

In other business, the aldermen passed a temporary budget with a $2,600 surplus.

Mayor Lamb told the aldermen that Bogart and Josh Lamb's seats are up for the April election, three trees at the park had been removed at no cost to the city and the fire department needs a new furnace. He also asked the aldermen to consider animal control ordinances for the next meeting.

"We have a dog problem," Lamb said.

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