Family needs help after fire levels home

Friday, December 27, 2013

A Schell City family is without a home following a fire around 4 a.m. Tuesday.

According to a community member, the family home of Steven Singleton, a local preacher, his wife and son, was a total loss. Clothes, possessions and the family dog were among the losses.

The things most needed at this time are clothing, money, and gift cards.

Clothing sizes needed include men's pants 3X or 50W by 27L, men's shirts 3X, men's underwear 3X, men's shoes - 8.5 W, women's pants 2X, tops - 2X, shoes - 9W, and boys' pants (men's size) 38 by 27, shirts XL, underwear XL, and shoes 11W.

All donations can be taken to Schell City city hall (417-432-3222) or Madalyn's Kitchen in Schell City (417-432-3434).

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