United Methodist Women donate to Children's Center

Saturday, January 18, 2014
Submitted photo The Nevada United Methodist Women met Jan. 16, and presented a check in the amount of $150 to the Western Missouri Children's Center, for their Find a Home Campaign. United Methodist Women have worked for over 150 years to improve the lives of women and children, to ensure safety for those in need and supported legislation to better conditions for women and children worldwide. The Children's Center sees approximately 100 children each year. "It is our hope that the community will embrace our children and this project as we continue to find ways to love and nurture our children in each generation to come." Pictured, back row, left to right, Susan Liter, Kitty Scarborough, Erica Skouby, Pam Hayes, Mary Caviness, Lee Ann Smith (President UMW), Amy Kaelke (Children's Center Advocate), Nadine Killmer, Dorothy Jordan, Constance Beaver, Karen Ebert, Pat Stark, seated, left to right, Mary Ireland, Shirley Rainier, Judy Campbell, Caroline Taylor, Sheryl Baer, and Alice Boehs.

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