Volunteers, businesses recognized as supporters of United Way

Volunteers, businesses and contributors were honored Wednesday at the United Way of Vernon County Appreciation and Awards Luncheon at the Nevada Country Club.
The annual event serves as a wrap-up to the fundraising campaign, which brings local dollars to local agencies.
Adam Dean, United Way board member and co-chair of the 2013-14 fund drive, told those in attendance that as of Wednesday morning, United Way had raised $110,960.65 of its $112,000 goal but that with dollars still coming in, United Way had "met our goal and exceeded it.
"That's a huge endeavor for a community of our size. We're overwhelmed by the amount of giving and by the people willing to step up.
"All the dollars raised here, stay here to help in Vernon County."
Dean, board member and fund drive co-chair David Heumader, President of the Board of Directors Betsy Curtis, and Executive Secretary Peggy Tedlock and Administrative Assistant Vickie Dunn, thanked everyone for their contributions.
This year's United Way Board of Directors includes, in addition to Curtis, Angie Nichols, Carmen Williams, Patricia Bennett, Jason Hedges, Ross Lawrence, Michelle Branham, Wendy Smith, David Breeden, Beverly Baker, Kelli Brannan, Jeremy Fast, Dusty Dunfield, Brandi McInroy and Deborah Hartline.
Recognized were luncheon sponsors Arvest Bank, CPA Larry Bledsoe, Empire District Gas Company, First National Bank, Great Southern Bank, Heritage State Bank and KNEM-KNMO Radio.
Media sponsors KNEM-KNMO and the Nevada Daily Mail were recognized for their support.
Oktoberfest support awards went to Great Southern Bank, US Bank, the City of Nevada, Vernon County Adult Recovery Court, Missouri Eagle LLC, and Cubbage Country Market.
Oktoberfest is a key United Way fundraiser, which offers a variety of events, including a chili cook-off, as an introduction to the United Way agencies.
This year's committee members were Curtis, Dean, Heumader, Angie Nichols, Ross Lawrence, Beverly Baker, Carmen Williams, and Corey Johnson.
Johnson was recognized for his work as emcee for the event and for plowing driveways during the recent snow as another contribution for United Way.
Challenge Program Coordinator's certificates were handed out.
Special recognition went to 3M Company for being the largest overall contributor.
KCP&L and Empire District Gas received the 100 percent participation award.
Most improved also went to Empire District Gas.
Floyd Jernigan, publisher of the Daily Mail, the Nevada News, and the Nevada News Commercial Print Shop, was presented with the Above and Beyond award for a series of articles on the member agencies that appeared weekly in the Mail during the campaign.
Empire District Gas was presented a plaque for having the highest per capita giving as a business with 3-24 employees.
US Bank Home Mortgage was honored for doing the same in the category of businesses with 100 plus employees.
The Nevada Country Club was recognized for serving as the host for the luncheon.
"There is so much work involved in making this happen," said Tedlock. "Our thanks goes to all who allow us to help so many."
Member agencies receiving funds include:
* Community Outreach -- provides food but can also help those needing emergency help with rent and utilities on a limited basis.
* Birthright -- deals with unplanned pregnancies. Counseling, maternity and baby needs are offered.
* Ozarks Trail Council Boy Scouts of America and Girl Scouts of the Missouri Heartland -- offers youth programs.
* Vernon County Child Advocacy Council -- educates and prevents child abuse and neglect, with parent education classes.
* Children's Center -- works for child advocacy with members of law enforcement and the courts in abuse cases.
* Special Olympics Missouri, SW Area -- offers a physical outlet and a way to participate in competition as an individual and as a team for those with special needs.
* Vernon County Senior Center -- helps those over the age of 60 with everything from food to transportation to in-home services.
* On My Own -- helps youth and adults with disabilities to reach their goals.
* Children's Mercy Hospital -- provides health and well-being services to children regardless of the ability to pay.
* Neighbors Center -- offers daytime adult day care for ages 18 and over, providing temporary relief for the caregiver of those who are homebound, elderly or disabled.
* University of Missouri Extension of Vernon County -- provides cooperative extension work such as 4-H, in agriculture and home economics.
* Council on Families in Crisis, Moss House -- provides shelter for sexual and domestic violence victims.
* Vernon County Ministerial Alliance Emergency Relief Fund -- helps transients with financial aid.
* Nevada Youth Recreational Baseball -- serves youth through athletics, teaching discipline and teamwork.
* American Red Cross/Southern Missouri Region Nevada office -- helps those who have been the victims of natural disasters and fires as well as supporting local firefighters.
* Vernon County Adult Recovery Court -- provides an alternative to prison.
* Vernon County People for Pets -- takes in unwanted animals and works to find them homes.