2014 county budget banks 2013's surplus

Thursday, January 30, 2014

Nevada Daily Mail

The Vernon County Commission held a final hearing on the 2014 budget Wednesday morning and voted unanimously to approve it.

Similar to 2013, the county began the year with nearly $507,000 in remaining funds from the previous budget.

Presiding Commissioner Bonnie McCord said that the 2014 budget benefited from the carryover funds. "Ending the year with half a million dollars makes it much easier to begin the new year," she said.

The general fund is expected to bring in around $3,445,600 in revenue, slightly more than 2013. County Clerk Tammi Beach said the increase comes from money the Vernon County Sheriff's Department brings in through inmate housing contracts. The most recent contract with Greene County has brought in half a million dollars in revenue. Sheriff Jason Mosher has said that 2014 will be a record year for contract income.

Because the county ended 2013 with surplus funds that will be used for this year's expenses, it's expected that 2014 will end with a similarly sized surplus.

Some of the largest revenue generators are expected to be property taxes, sales tax, fees and inmate housing contracts.

Outgoing expenses for the budget are estimated to be around $3,779,006. Some of the largest outgoing funds will pay for equipment for the Sheriff's Department and employee insurance and benefits.

Perhaps one of the biggest changes to the new budget is that county employees will see a slight increase to their paychecks. A cost of living adjustment of 3 percent was approved for all employees, including commission members.

The road and bridge fund also ended 2013 with a surplus. More than $405,500 was carried over, almost double the surplus available at the end of 2012. Nearly $2,094,000 is expected to flow into the county this year from property taxes, vehicle sales and reimbursements.

The Soft-Match credit program, which will help cover part of the cost of bridge projects, will be used to repair or replace several county bridge projects.

The budget for road and bridge is expected to pay out $2,498,961 for items like equipment, insurance, repairs and fuel. Commissioners expect close to no surplus -- currently estimated at $225.42 -- in the road and bridge fund at the end of 2014.

McCord said that when determining the annual budget, the commission tries to create extra padding for "worst case scenarios" and unexpected items.

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