Sheldon volunteers feed boys basketball team

Tuesday, February 4, 2014
Roberta Bigelow drizzles garlic butter over hotdog buns for the Sheldon feed on Monday. Gloria Tucker/Daily Mail

Nevada Daily Mail

Nothing devours five pounds of spaghetti, 10 bags of hotdog bun garlic bread, one bag of sugar for four gallons of Kool-Aid and four sticks of butter like 20 to 30 teenagers.

Krystal McCartney started the Sheldon feed, a mass spaghetti and garlic bread dinner, at the Methodist Church last year.

"It started out that I was making a spaghetti dinner for my two boys, and they told their friends," McCartney said. "So I then had to feed six boys. I didn't know what I was going to do, but then people told me to use the church."

From December to February, every time there's a home game in Sheldon, the entire basketball team, the cheerleaders, the coaches and various siblings gather at the church to feast.

"Now donations come in," she said. "I walked in the church the night before a game and all the food was already here. Many people in the community volunteer to make it happen."

Last week, Sheldon had three home games and McCartney thought people might want something different.

"They said no, no, no!" she said and laughed. "They love it. They all sit down and get to know each other and become friends. This shows them that people really care about them; we don't just go to the games."

Volunteer Roberta Bigelow said the meal really helps out the parents.

"When you work, it's hard to get home and cook a meal before the game," McCartney said.

Next year McCartney said she wants to expand the feed to away games.

"I want to send sandwiches, energy drinks and bananas on away games next year," she said. "That would be better than junk food."

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