Schell City water project nears completion

Friday, February 7, 2014
Soon-to-be Schell City clerk Erin Lee takes notes during the Schell City Board of Aldermen meeting Wednesday. Gloria Tucker/Daily Mail

Nevada Daily Mail

The Schell City water system project, which includes a new 300,000-gallon water tower, an aerator and electronic controls, is expected to be completed as soon as weather permits painting the water tower.

"I need permission to close out the grants and loans and hire an auditor for the water project," clerk Sharon Sanderson said at the board of aldermen meeting Wednesday. "The contractors will get the last 10 percent of the money when the water's flowing. All the rest of the money has been spent."

The project will connect the town to Consolidated Public Water Supply District No. 1 for its water supply. The board voted 3-0 to allow Sanderson to close out the project and hire an auditor.

Sanderson said she is still working on removing the old 50,000-gallon water tower, though the three broken and leaking fire hydrants around town have been fixed.

In other business, Sanderson trained the town's new clerk, Erin Lee, in the position during the meeting.

"I'd like to put a bug in your ear about a card swiper for people to pay water bills with debit or credit cards," Lee brought up to the aldermen. "I don't know if that might make it a little more convenient for people who don't happen to have cash to pay their water bill. It would cost the city nothing."

Lee also asked how to handle delinquent water bill payments.

The aldermen advised her to post the policy as follows:

Payments must be made at city hall Monday through Friday 8 a.m. to 3:30 p.m. or through drop box. In order to avoid water shutoff, submit delinquent payments by close of business on the 3rd of each month. Payments will not be accepted outside of business hours. No exceptions.

The aldermen also voted 3-0 to make alderman Quentin Goodman mayor pro-tem in the absence of mayor Tom Haddix.

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