
Sarah Byers receives 4-H Citizenship Award

Thursday, February 13, 2014

By Leonard Ernsbarger

This column is long overdue; it needs to be written to recognize a special 4-H member for an award that was presented to her at 4-H recognition night held in October. One of the important events in 4-H is recognition night. It is a time when 4-H members and leaders are recognized for their accomplishments and achievements. The 4-H members have many accomplishments during their 4-H career.

One of the awards presented at recognition night was the Leonard Ernsbarger Citizenship award. It is an honor to me to have a special award of this type presented. It is always amazing the accomplishments the recipients have had. That makes the award more meaningful to me.

The 2013 award was presented to Sarah Byers, daughter of Scott and Jennifer Byers. I have observed her as one of the members introducing the "Hearts-N-Hands . . . We Can" into the Vernon County Youth Fair, now for two years and giving leadership to this special program. Reinstating Hearts-n-Hands...We Can is based off of Carol Parmentor's Special Kids -- Special Animals, an interactive tour of the fair for children with special needs. This project involved presenting the idea to the fair board, making flyers and getting sponsors, planning and organizing the event, and ultimately, actually working with the special need kids.

It occurred to me that I have known her family now for four generations. It goes back to her great-grandfather Harris. I remember that he often came into the extension office and attended extension meetings.

There are several members actively involved in community service. Sarah was selected for this special award this year. This award is presented to a 4-H member, 10 years old and older, who best exemplifies the HANDS and HEART portion of the 4-H pledge. This young person is self-motivated and has given of themselves in volunteering to help others throughout the county. They have demonstrated leadership and citizenship and they contribute to the group effort of making a difference in the community. The selection of the winner is based on 75 percent for community service and 25 percent on leadership. A $50 Savings Bond and a traveling plaque are awarded annually.

Rather than writing about her, I have chosen to put it in her words of what she wrote on the application which represents a good story about her accomplishments:

"Hi. My name is Sarah Byers and I am 13 years old. I am a four year member of the Rinehart 4-H Club and I would appreciate your consideration for the Leonard Ernsbarger Award.

"Hearts-N-Hands...We Can is a great Community Service project because it gives back to the community to those who have special needs. It is something that is only offered here at the Vernon County Youth Fair, which is why I feel I am making this Community a better place. This Community Service Project is something that provides happiness to kids who always have smile on their faces when being involved in something like Hearts-N-Hands. I do not expect anything in return from this project except the smiles on the kids' faces during this event and knowing that they had fun.

"It is also part citizenship because I get to help those with special needs have fun and them get to experience something that they don't normally get to experience such as being around animals. I feel that it is my duty to give back to my County and provide something special for those who don't always get to do things like this. Being able to be in charge of Hearts-N-Hands is a privilege and I am honored to be blessed with this privilege of Hearts-N-Hands.

"I am very glad to have such a great Leadership project like Hearts-N-Hands. I have learned organization, how to take care of money, how to work with a partner, public speaking skills, and how to make decisions. I learned that organization is very important because with a huge project like this I have had to have everything in order and ready to go on time. I had to take care of the money we had and to spend it wisely to have enough to do what we wanted. I learned that working with a partner is challenging and that it is not always easy. Public speaking has become easier because I have to talk to a lot of people to make the project possible. I also learned how to make great decisions such as choosing a great Leadership project like Hearts-N-Hands...We Can!

"Hearts-N-Hands is an AWESOME Community Service, Citizenship, and Leadership project that I hope will go on for years and years to come!"

That is a great story she wrote, I would say what she has done is awesome. What she has done demonstrates what 4-H members are accomplishing. This is only one of the awards presented at 4-H recognition. Other members also had great accomplishments and recognition.

Congratulations go to Sarah Byers for receiving the 2013 Leonard Ernsbarger Citizenship Award.