2013 Revitalization Award nominees announced

The City of Nevada has received five nominations for the 2013 Nevada Revitalization Award.
Nominations included"
* Buildet Enterprises, Ashview Suites, LLC 721 407 W. Highland
* First National Bank, 100 W. Walnut
* Greenlee Auto Body and Glass Repair, 1801 N. Osage Blvd.
* Precision Machined Parts, 1214 N. Osage
* Rinehart Jewelry, 120 S. Cedar
Judging is based upon the following criteria: overall improvements to properties and structures, incorporating historic details into improvements, enhancements to a building's exterior appearance, and setting a precedent by example for revitalization to surrounding properties.
The Nevada City Council created the Nevada Revitalization Award in 2010 to recognize property owners who have enhanced our community by making significant exterior improvements to their individual properties that have, in turn, had a positive impact on the surrounding area.
It recognizes individual efforts and seeks to encourage future reinvestment in our community.
The award will be presented at a future council meeting.