NEVC adjusts calendar, studies four-day week

Saturday, February 22, 2014

Nevada Daily Mail

With seven snow days so far, the NEVC Board of Education instituted a late start policy for next school year and adjusted this year's calendar to make the days around Easter school days, at its meeting Wednesday.

"I hate to do it, but its either Easter or spring break," superintendent Charles Naas said. "We get out May 23, and I can't change that."

Naas said he is exploring the possibility of a four-day calendar with Mondays off, for next year, to save money.

"One or two Mondays a month would be professional development days," he said. "We would have class until 4 p.m. and there would be no early out Wednesdays. We would get out May 20."

In other business, the board members approved amending the working budget and tabled the purchase of a $1000 fire alarm/evacuation system from an old daycare. The board members took no action on Kendall Ogburn's principal contract.

Fourth grade teacher Amanda Skelton addressed the board on behalf of the elementary teachers in regard to Ogburn's position.

"We want you guys to know how we feel about him," Skelton said. "He is a very godly man and extremely honest. He puts our school, our students and every teacher first. His heart is with this school. I personally believe if he weren't brought back, you would do a huge disservice to our school and to the district. We respect this man highly."

In the principal's report, Ogburn told the board a spelling bee was held Jan. 23, Rotary presented personalized dictionaries Jan. 28, PTO reorganized on Feb. 13 and Gina Ensor is working on a fundraiser for the elementary school.

"The Harlem Globetrotters will perform at Joplin April 3," he said. "Ensor's goal is to sell 1000 tickets through PTO and donate the money. The Globetrotters will spend an extra day or two in the surround areas of Joplin ,to speak about anti-bullying. We hope to attend that with our kids and El Dorado Springs' kids."

He added that a blood drive will be held at the elementary school Feb. 20, Delta Dental will give a presentation on dental health Feb. 25, and the science fair will be April 4.

High school principal Chris Hudson told the board FBLA students would attend the state competition, math relay competitions will be March 26, and two engineers will speak in science classes on Friday, for Engineer Week.

In the superintendent's report, Naas updated the board members on legislation impacting schools.

"The Governor said he would approve a tax deal if the foundation formula for education were fully funded," he said. "That's encouraging. This year they expect a $35 million shortfall in gaming/gambling revenue, but since 2014 is an election year, no one expects any education funding shifts."

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