Nevada teenager injured in Thursday wreck

Saturday, April 12, 2014

Fort Scott Tribune

A Nevada teenager was injured when she was ejected from the vehicle she was driving Thursday evening, in Bourbon County, Kan.

The accident occurred at about 6:30 p.m. in the area of 255th Street and Poplar Road.

According to a report from the Bourbon County Sheriff's Office, the 16-year-old driver was traveling north on 255th Street when the 2000 Grand Am she was driving began to slide. The driver lost control and left the road, striking a metal gate entrance, a telephone box and a wooden post. The vehicle rolled several times and landed upright on its wheels. The driver, whose name was not released because she is a juvenile, was ejected. She was not wearing a seat belt, Sheriff Bill Martin said.

Emergency responders found the youth on the ground about 20 feet in front of the vehicle. Her injuries were not listed in the report, Martin said.

There were no other occupants in the vehicle.

The youth was transported to Mercy Hospital, Fort Scott and from there, was transported by air to Mercy Hospital in Joplin.

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