Nevada Tigers to host youth basketball camp
Nevada Tigers head basketball coach Shaun Gray announced Tuesday that his program's annual boys' basketball camp is set for June 2-6, in the gymnasium at Nevada High School's new multipurpose building.
The camp is open to all boys entering third through eighth grades in the 2014-15 school year. Each participant will receive 10 hours of instruction on the fundamentals of shooting, ball handling, rebounding, passing, defense and team play.
Cost for the camp is $40 per participant, which includes a camp T-shirt. Financial assistance is available and registration should be completed on the camp's opening day.
Sessions will run from 12-2 p.m., for third through fifth graders, 2-4 p.m., for sixth through eighth graders. Times may be earlier on the camp's final day, Gray said.
Prizes donated by professional and college teams will be awarded to participants in individual shooting and ball handling contests. A "camper of the day" will also be recognized every day, for the duration of the camp.
Prizes will be awarded for the Hot Shot, Free Throw, Beat the Clock and Dribble Tag contests. Parents are invited to attend the camp sessions.
For more information, contact Gray at