Music, faith important parts of life

Saturday, May 17, 2014
Landon Delgado sings and plays guitar during the Male Handsome Pageant on Friday. Gloria Tucker/Daily Mail

Nevada Daily Mail

The mix of faith and music forms an integral part of Landon Delgado's life.

A junior at Nevada High School, Delgado, 17, is involved in track, show choir and musical productions. He even participated in the Male Handsome Pageant. But, Delgado said he's proudest of his involvement in M13, a youth ministry emphasizing discipleship, evangelism, prayer and service in both the community and internationally, at First Baptist Church in Nevada.

"It's a whole lifestyle of how to follow Christ," he said. "We share that within Nevada and the outermost parts of the world. We've pledged to raise $5,000 for the Rose of Sharon orphanage in India."

Performing in his church's praise team and show choir as well as playing guitar, he said music gives him a way to express himself and find his heart.

"Choir's been an awesome part of my life the past four years," he said. "I've performed songs from 'Hairspray,' rock, disco and 'Alice in Wonderland.' I thought singing 'Pinball Wizard' was really funny. The last measure was really ironic for me, singing that deaf and blind kid sure played a mean pinball."

Born with ocular albinism and nystagmus, Delgado has difficulty reading sheet music and seeing distinct details unless very close in distance.

Ocular albinism is an inherited condition in which the eyes lack melanin pigment, which causes the fovea, small area of the retina that renders acute vision, not to develop completely. Because the fovea does not develop well, it is difficult to correct vision with glasses. Nystagmus is involuntary back-and-forth movement of the eyes.

"The biggest fact for me is I'm not allowed to drive," he said. "That's a pretty big bummer. As far as reading, the school has been great about getting enlarged textbooks or e-books that are audible. To be honest, I try to do what everyone else does, just as well as they can. I do my absolute best."

After graduation next year, he said he plans to attend Midwestern Baptist Theological Seminary in Kansas City, Mo., or Grand Canyon University in Phoenix, Ariz.

"I would be mastering in divinity or getting a bachelor's in communication," he said. "I would also attend seminary. I want to be a youth pastor, head pastor or worship pastor of a church."

He added he would always like to be a part of his church's praise team.

"To me that is one of the greatest ways I can serve, not just this community, but also the God above," he said.

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