Reba Hurst - Christopher Rapp

Mr. and Mrs. Brad Hurst announce the engagement and approaching marriage of their daughter, Reba Katherine Hurst, to Mr. Christopher Clayton Rapp. Chris is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Clayton Rapp of Rockville.
Reba is a 2009 graduate of Nevada High School and a 2013 graduate of Missouri State University, Springfield, Mo., with a Bachelor of Science in Animal Science. She currently works at the 54 Vet Clinic as a veterinary technician.
Chris is a 2006 graduate of Rich Hill High School and a 2009 graduate of Missouri State University with a Bachelor of Science in General Agriculture and a minor in Animal Science, Ag Business and Agronomy. He returned home to the family farm to put his education to work. Three generations continue to run a row crop and commercial cow/calf operation.
Grandparents of the couple include Mr. and Mrs. Jerry Arnold of Nevada; Mr. and Mrs. Joe Hurst of Nevada; Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Bartz of Appleton City, and Mr. Leo Rapp and the late Irene Rapp of Rockville.
The couple is planning a July 26, 2014, wedding at the Zion Lutheran Church, Prairie City, Mo.