Bushwhacker Days opens with a boom

Friday, June 13, 2014
Members of the Missouri Osage Territory Muzzleloaders officially open the 2014 Bushwhacker Days with a volley from their muzzleloaders. Ralph Pokorny/Daily Mail

2014 Bushwhacker Royalty are from left: Maggie Trytsman, Junior Miss Bushwhacker, Morgan Ernsbarger, Bushwhacker Princess, Velvet Baldwin, Little Miss Bushwhacker and Crystal Burch, Bushwhacker Queen. Ralph Pokorny/Daily Mail
Nevada Mayor pro-tem Jayne Novak, and Vernon County Commissioners Neal Gerster, center, and Everett Wolfe declare the 2014 Bushwhacker Days open Wednesday. Ralph Pokorny/Daily Mail
Gospel singer David Phelps entertained a crowd of several hundred on the courthouse lawn Wednesday night. Phelps told concertgoers that he was lucky to perform on the opening night of Bushwhacker Days. Nicole Garner/Daily Mail
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