Deerfield discovers electricity theft at community building

Wednesday, June 18, 2014

Nevada Daily Mail

Deerfield clerk Bill Smith told the Deerfield Board of Trustees during its meeting Tuesday that a report of the theft of electricity from the community building had been made to the Sheriff's Office.

"Extension cords were found near the fence and were picked up when someone came to mow," Smith said. "New cords were found after that, but no one saw them plugged in."

Smith said he talked to the suspected party, and the person admitted using the electricity for running air conditioning.

"As far I'm concerned, as long as it stops, we won't press charges," he said.

In other business, the trustees adopted two resolutions -- one authorizing the clerk to pay recurring utility bills before the board meeting and a second that appoints the clerk as the custodian of village records.

"The clerk will make the records available to the public by written request," trustee David Pricket read. "The clerk can be contacted at P.O. Box 38, Deerfield. The clerk has three to five days to respond to the request."

In the treasurer's report, Deerfield had an income of $21,865 and expenses of $1,152 for May.

Trustee Kris Sisseck told the board he had been in contact with a company to get bids for repairing the street near the grain elevator in Deerfield.

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