Nevada detective receives outstanding achievement award

Monday, June 30, 2014

The members of the Nevada Elks Lodge recognized a local police officer for outstanding achievement in law enforcement during their monthly Steak Feed held at the lodge hall on Friday evening, June 27, 2014.

Nevada Police Detective Josh Westerhold was recognized as the "Officer of the Year," by the Elks for his efforts in combating domestic violence. Detective Westerhold was assigned to the Nevada Police Department Detective Bureau, Crimes Against Persons Unit in January 2014 and since that time has done a tremendous job in dealing with investigations involving assaultive behavior. Det. Westerhold works closely with the Council on Families in Crisis and the staff of Moss House, a shelter for domestic assault victims in need of immediate assistance.

Chief W. Graham Burnley said, "I am amazed every day with the positive impact that that this detective is making on our community. He continues to accomplish a great deal by helping those who need help while in a crises situation."

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