Campaign contribution explained

Saturday, November 15, 2014

Nevada Daily Mail

A question regarding a campaign donation has been raised in the Vernon County presiding commissioner election.

In a call to the Nevada Daily Mail Thursday, presiding commissioner elect Joe Hardin said he had been contacted by other media outlets seeking information on a contribution to his campaign from the Vernon County Ambulance District Employee Fund.

Hardin won office in the Nov. 4 election, unseating long-time incumbent Bonnie McCord, polling 53 percent of the vote with 2,911 votes, while 2,614 votes were recorded for McCord in the unofficial tally.

"We had a complaint reported to the Missouri Ethics Commission regarding a campaign contribution," said Hardin Thursday.

"The money came from the VCAD Employee Fund, not from the ambulance district.

"These were not public funds," added Hardin, quoting the state statute regarding such contributions.

"It was a reporting error on our part," that listed the contribution incorrectly, he said.

"I've talked with the Ethics Commission and we've done our due diligence to fix it. We have filed an amended (campaign contribution) report."

VCAD Executive Director James McKenzie, who provided a copy of the check Friday to the Daily Mail, explained the employee fund.

"In no way, shape or form, is this taxpayer money," he said of the campaign donation of $100.

"The money in the fund comes from contributions from the employees, both full and part-time, and from things like chips and soda sales here at the station.

"We've used this fund for things like scholarships, to help purchase playground equipment, to sponsor ball teams, to contribute toward equipment, and to help with office furniture purchases," among other uses, McKenzie said.

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