
Worthy causes abound during the holidays, year-round

Saturday, December 6, 2014

Contributions, of both time and money, are a key part of the fabric of our society. Our quality of life is often determined by just how much we give.

Many organizations and efforts wouldn't exist without our generosity -- United Way, the Humane Society, the Salvation Army, the Red Cross, the Children's Center, Community Outreach, Teen Angel, the Vernon County Ambulance District and American Legion toy drives -- the list is endless.

Locally, in each community, there are dozens more that rely on our benevolence. Schools to churches to civic clubs, to veterans' organizations to community organizations, need our support.

Volunteers make up many of our boards, from the chamber to the hospital to the economic development effort to these organizations serving others.

Take away those commitments and our everyday life just wouldn't be the same. Many of the services and opportunities we enjoy wouldn't exist.

Today, our giving is more important than ever with unemployment and low wages common.

Non-profits struggle with growing demand and tight budgets.

Contributions of time and money are down nationwide. Only 30 percent of the country's population says they volunteer regularly.

Many of our service clubs, veterans groups, and community organizations have seen membership dwindle. There are fewer of us stepping forward. Generations that have been brought up with a strong sense of community and commitment are growing older and aren't being replaced by as many newer members.

Time constraints by those who are the most active are increasing. Fewer are doing more of the work and more of the contributing.

For each of us to continue to enjoy the many benefits that our community, our region and our state have to offer, it is imperative we give something back.

Give what you can to a cause that you believe in -- whether it's the local youth collecting pop cans as a fund-raiser or to your local church seeking to add to a food pantry for the needy to the local toy drive to the community dinners.

If you can't donate financially, volunteer your time, whether it's serving on the local arts and entertainment board, to cleaning up your town.

Encourage your children to volunteer. Studies show there is a direct connection between time spent volunteering as a youth volunteer to a lifetime commitment of volunteer activity.

We all benefit when we extend a helping hand.