Griffons youth baseball camp on tap for June

Wednesday, May 27, 2015

The Nevada Griffons Youth Baseball Camp is slated to take place in early-June.

Registration forms can be found online at

Completed forms can be turned in at Morrison-Post Insurance, 211 W. Cherry St. in Nevada, or brought to the camp at Lyons Stadium.

The camp date for ages 4-6 years old is Friday, June 5 from 3-4:30 p.m.

The Griffons will hold two sessions for ages 7-and up, Monday, June 8 and Wednesday, June 10 from 2:30-4:30 p.m.

Camp graduation is scheduled for Sunday, June 21 at 6:15 p.m. at Lyons Stadium.

All participants will receive a T-shirt and participation certificate.

According to the camp website, "The Griffons' coaches and players will work with youth on improving their skills and knowledge of the game. Hitting, throwing, base running ---- we'll work on all the basics. Bring your glove and bat to Lyons Stadium and get ready to play!"

In the event of rain, tune in to KNEM/KNMO for additional details.

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