NMS students return from east coast swing

Wednesday, June 17, 2015
Submitted photo/ A group of Nevada Middle School students and adults recently returned from a trip to Boston and New York City. Travelers toured the JFK Presidential Library, Plimoth Plantation, attended a Broadway show, took a ferry ride to Ellis Island and the Statue of Liberty, and experienced many other historic and cultural sites. Travelers (in no particular order) included Matt Splitter, Kelsie Wasson, Morgan Douglas, Emalie Bower, Colson Fisher, Terry Logan, Tammy Forkner, Marilyn Lowe, Linda Tourtillott, Julia and Carlie McCaffree, Karen and Peyton Claypool, Brooke and Tanner Gotschall, Mindy and Taylor Zoglmann, Lindsay and Hailey Jackson, and Terry, Kim, and Bryce Greer. There will be a May 2016 trip to Washington, D.C., and interested seventh and eighth-grade students may receive information from Mrs. Greer when school resumes in August.

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