No sales tax, joint 911 dispatch may fail

Nevada Daily Mail
"The 911 Dispatch Center is too important to fail in Vernon County," Nevada City Manager JD Kehrman told the Nevada Rotary Club during its meeting Thursday.
And it is in danger of failing unless the proposed one-half-cent sales tax passes on Aug. 4, he said.
Without the sales tax to cover the operation of the center, there is no stable source of money, he said, adding that it is up to the political whims of the city, the county and to a lesser extent the Vernon County Ambulance District. And several times in recent years one or another entity has decided to reduce its contribution.
Kehrman said that Missouri is the only state left in the country that does not have a tax on cell phones to pay for 911.
In Missouri, he said that Vernon County is one of 15 counties that does not pay for a 911 center with some kind of tax.
Currently the city and the county contribute $200,000 each to the operation, with the ambulance district contributing less. The resulting money, which is around $450,000, leaves the dispatch center able to pay dispatchers $10 per hour, which is much less than surrounding centers, and there is no money for equipment upgrades or replacements, he said.
The low pay leads to difficulty retaining dispatchers.
The equipment currently in use came from the city and county dispatch centers and is obsolete. The two consoles are continuously in use and there really needs to be three consoles to spread out the work during peak hours.
Kehrman said the proposed one-half cent sales tax would provide for a stand-alone dispatch center, with an elected board that is free from ties to the city, county or ambulance district.
The sales tax will bring in around $850,000 per year, which will allow the center to raise the pay of the dispatchers to about $13 per hour, which is still below surrounding centers, but will help with the retention, he said.
It will also allow the center to add more dispatchers so there are three dispatchers on duty during peak hours, upgrade equipment and add medical dispatch capability.