A gift for our grandchildren -- a livable world
Hi neighbors. Maybe it's time for rethinking how we treat our home. Our home -- planet Earth. Maybe we should step outside more, into the green meadow or forest, look at a lake. Take time to see what Earth (without human concrete and steel) looks like.
Do you think the world we have today is the same one our grandchildren will have? Not unless we become (and quickly become) better stewards of the planet. It is estimated that Missouri (and most of the United States "breadbasket" will be semi-desert by 2050. Where will our food come from?
Have you noticed how quickly mowed grass turns brown? Now imagine all the grass and crops, on the planet turning brown. Scary isn't it? Hold that thought.
Keep holding that thought while you take you morning shower, wash your hair, shave, brush your teeth and every time you wash dishes or do laundry. How much water do you use? Do you leave the water running all the time you are brushing your teeth, or shaving? Do you wash your hair every day?
And about that grass you have to mow: do you waste water by watering your lawn? Yes, waste of water, unless you use the grass to feed rabbits, goats, sheep or cows. If you don't raise any of those animals in your yard, then watering the grass is a waste of water. Instead, water the trees. Better yet, don't use the water and let a local farmer use it to water the food you will need to live on this winter.
If you have a home garden, don't just run the sprinkler to water it. Water plant by plant, or use seep hoses, Don't over water; different soils and plants need different amounts of water. Know your soil and use drought resistant plants. Check with the extension office for information.
People used to have rain barrels. It might be practical to get a cistern, or at least several rain barrels and channel rainwater into them. Rainwater is great for watering gardens.
In the house, don't use more water than is needed for cooking. Wash clothing in cool or cold water & use only the amount of detergent needed. Let the clothes sit in the washer, or lay them out on the washer for an hour before putting them in the dryer. Don't use the dishwasher until it is completely full.
Electricity and fossil fuels cause a lot of global warming. Support alternative solutions to electricity production. Insulate your home; don't leave the air conditioning on a low setting for an empty house all day while you are at work. Turn off lights when you leave a room. Keep doors closed to unused rooms and adjust the vents for usage. Keep drapes and shades closed against sunlight; opening and closing them as the sun moves during the day. Use sunlight for indoor lighting as much as possible. If you can afford to install some solar panels please do.
Buy a hybrid car, drive only when necessary. Walk for short distances or ride a bike within town limits. Make weekly menus and shopping lists and only shop once a week; don't make quick runs for something you forgot on the list.
Do your baking in the late evening or early morning. It takes less energy to reheat a casserole for supper than to bake one in the late afternoon. Portion a precooked casserole on plates and heat each in the microwave, or cut into portions and reheat on cookie sheets in the oven.
Recycle your cans, plastics, clothing, newspapers and left over food. Find out about mulching bins to help keep your plants moist and reduce watering needs.
Get the entire family involved and let's make this work. We have been hearing this same song and dance since the 1960s and not much has changed. We must change our spoiled rich child thinking. We must realize there is an end to resources and there may be an end to our entire way of life if we don't make some changes.
Mostly we need to simply stop spending our resources like there's no tomorrow and think. Earth's resources are like money in the bank -- and you can't use credit cards any more! When it's gone; it's gone. Think about a budget. If you want your grandchildren to live in a fruitful and healthy world, you have to leave some resources in the cookie jar for them!