Farmer's market considers move to fairgrounds in 2016

Friday, August 21, 2015

Nevada Daily Mail

After having begun with just a handful of vendors participating, the farmer's market in Nevada has grown so much over recent years that they are now searching for a new location that could host the vendors as well as buyers.

The farmer's market committee met with the Vernon County Commission Wednesday afternoon to seek permission to use the fairgrounds for the 2016 season, constructing a pavilion to house the event in the more than an acre of land between the ball field and the highway.

"We're outgrowing where we're at right now," Kelly Ast said. "A good problem to have."

Ast said they have on average about 18 vendors each week, with peak weekends having closer to 25. Many of those vendors need an electrical outlet but few are available at their current location at Earp Park. Lack of parking has also been an issue while being right next to Austin could be a potential hazard for those attending with their children.

This summer, the farmer's market grew enough to expand from each Saturday morning to include Wednesday evenings as well, during the months from May to October when the farmer's market is available.

Committee president Corey Johnson said they have several individuals and groups interested in supporting the farmer's market and does not think they will have trouble raising the funding needed to build a structure at the fairgrounds.

"We're not worried about the money," Johnson said. "We just need a space. We just want a place to call our own."

The farmer's market committee's goal is to have an open-sided, approximately 60x40 foot pavilion with concrete floors, fans and numerous electrical outlets available. The total cost would likely be $75,000 or possibly more, but Johnson said he is sure that could be raised and the county could make money off it when other organizations rent it for other events.

The commissioners said they are in favor of the move but asked for time to talk with the fair board as well as their insurance agent while they requested a more detailed plan from the farmer's market committee. They will meet again in two weeks and visit the fairgrounds to take measurements and decide on allowing the move.

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