Nevada council to discuss proposed smoking ordinance

Tuesday, September 1, 2015

Nevada Daily Mail

The Nevada City Council is looking at a short agenda for its first regular meeting of September at 7 p.m., in the council chambers in the city hall, 120 S. Ash St.

Among the items under consideration will be the first reading of bills setting the dates for the 2016 council election and the filing dates for candidates, as well as a measure to reduce the number of parks board members from seven to five. They will also consider a resolution issuing a temporary liquor license by the drink to Ol Subway LLC, for Sept. 26, 2015.

Other items on the agenda include the second reading of bills finalizing an agreement with the Vernon County Commission for billing and collecting 2015 real estate and personal property taxes and a bill amending the city code to require anyone issued a temporary liquor by the drink license for a special event to fence the area to confine the consumption of alcohol to the designated location.

The council will also consider the final reading of a bill accepting the proposal from Trout, Beeman & Co., to perform the city's 2015 annual audit and a bill to amend the city code relating to the number and location of group homes in the city limits.

The council is also scheduled to discuss a proposed ordinance smoking ordinance with city attorney William McCaffree.

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