Council approves changes in sewer project
Nevada Daily Mail
The city of Nevada has been working for several years to reduce the amount of rainwater that infiltrates the city's sanitary sewer system. Currently the city has contracted with Rosetta Construction, Springfield, to replace the large corrugated metal interceptor lines that circle the city, as well make other improvements to the sewer system.
A part of this project involves replacing the sewer lines that runs from near the city's Animal Shelter to near Woods Supermarket. One of the lines to be replaced is laid through a metal pipe under the railroad track in that area. The company found that the type of metal pipe under the tracks is smaller than expected. This will require Rosetta to use a different type of pipe that was expected.
The company also found that some of the existing sewer main than runs through low-lying areas has been damaged by water flow through the area, which has removed the soil covering the pipe and in some cases has left the pipe above the ground. This area is frequently flooded and the manholes in that area will also need to have their covers raised to prevent floodwater from entering the sewer line.
The company also has found it needs to move a manual transfer switch at the industrial park lift station.
These changes, which the city council voted 5-0, to approve, will increase the cost of the project by $19,509.
In other business the council:
* Voted 5-0, to approve the reappointment of Bob Beaver to a three-year term on the Nevada Regional Medical Center board of directors.
* Voted 5-0, to approve the reappointment of Delton Fast to a three-year term on the NRMC board of directors.
* Voted 5-0, to approve the reappointment of Brad Copeland to a three-year term on the NRMC board of directors.
* Voted 5-0, to pass on first reading a special ordinance authorizing the city to apply for a $75,336 Public Transportation Operating Assistance Grant to help cover the cost of operating the city's public transportation program. The city will pay $45,936 of the $121,272 total cost, which will include the purchase of a new ADA accessible van to replace the current van that was purchased in 2009.
* Voted 5-0, to adopt Resolution No. 1444 approving a traveled portion of right-of-way permit for Wind Riders Motorcycle Organization to raise money for needy families at Christmas. They will be located at the intersection of Austin and Osage boulevards on Nov. 14, from 8 a.m. to 5 p.m.
* Voted 5-0, to approve a two-year lease agreement for cropland located at the old Nevada Landfill, 16370 E. Lady Road, with Dan Mosher for $7,100 per year.
* Voted 5-0, to approve a two-year lease agreement for hay land at the old Nevada landfill, 16370 E. Lady Road, with Ashby Farms for $404.16 per year.
* Voted 5-0, to approve a two-year lease agreement for hay land at Marmaduke Park with Ashby Farms for $212.11 per year.
* Voted 5-0, to pass on second reading a special ordinance approving an agreement with Horner & Shifrin, St. Louis, Mo., for engineering consultation services related to the Nutri-Flo Industrial user permitting process at a cost of $6,500.
* Voted 5-0, to pass on second reading a special ordinance approving an agreement with Slidecare LLC for the restoration of the slides and water feature at the Walton Aquatic Center at a cost of $29,695.
* Voted 5-0, to give final approval to a general ordinance amending Section 26-14 in the city code relating to the sale of surplus, unusable or obsolete personal property and real property to allow the items to be sold through online auction service providers.
Voted 5-0, to pass on second reading a general ordinance amending Chapter 19, Section 19-152. 19-153, and 19-186 of the city code to change the manner that parking tickets are collected. The $15 fines are now to be paid by mailing or returning the envelope to the city finance department in the City Hall, 110 S. Ash St. If the fine is not paid within the five days, the fine increases to $20 and must be paid within one month or the overtime parking notices will be turned over the city prosecutor for prosecution.